Protecting you at our shop
Posted on 11th June 2020 at 13:23
How Are We Protecting You?
Of course during this troubled time our priority is making sure our customers and our staff are safe and that means reducing the risk of contact wherever we can. So we’ve been working with other business owners to make sure we have all the right kit in place to ensure proper social distancing in the shop at all times.
Luckily, anyone who’s been into the shop before knows that it’s fairly well separated anyway, so with the help of some floor stickers and signage, we’ve put a one-way system in place to ensure no crowding or awkward clashes in the aisles when you’re reaching for the party poppers. We’ve also got plexiglass screens in place to keep customers and staff safe and we can even bring out the chrome barriers and red ropes for an extra-glamourous feel if things get too crowded.

As for equipment hire, we’ve been preparing for that too. We can still provide bouncy castles for home parties, ideal for children (or adults) of every age. Along with each hire we provide cleaning spray, gloves and masks, which will be worn during assembly and takedown by our team. Each one will be disinfected between uses, so there is no risk of cross contamination at all.
In short, we have been working around the clock to make sure that, from the second we open our doors on the 15th of June, we will be ready, following all government guidance and above all – safe for everyone. We look forward to welcoming you back into the shop on the 15th of June and continuing to bring a smile to everyone’s face during this difficult time. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to place an order, you can reach us here, or by visiting the shop.
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